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We've Arrived! The Delsa's Base Location

Writer: Rose HammerRose Hammer

In spite of all the head winds - we made it!

After we returned home from the scouting trip last October, we set the wheels in motion for the move....and boy, what a move it was.

Having just come through the single digit freeze and power catastrophe of Texas, we were scheduled to move just a few weeks later. Being without power and water for ten days made move preparation difficult as we struggled to just keep our daily lives afloat.

The day of the move the truck rental company failed to come through on reserved trucks and car trailers and we scrambled to pull it all together as we had to keep the deadline of being out of the home we were leaving behind.

On the drive out we were met with harsh weather and threatening tornados, only to find out that the truck and trailer I was driving had no working windshield wipers on the driver's side! We pulled over and my son took the wiper off the passenger side and got it on the driver's side so I could at least see to maneuver through the pouring rain.

Tired and weary from the last two months struggles we would collapse into bed in the hotel rooms we were able to secure along our route, only to arise early and hit the drive again. It took us three days from leaving the hustle and bustle of the big city, Austin, Texas, to arrive in the beautiful Badin Lake area of North Carolina.

Getting the base location under contract and making the purchase proved to be nothing short of a miracle. Given it was a manufactured home with multiple major repairs needed and a title issue that wasn't cleared with the previous owners - we had no idea how challenging it was going to be. The closing actually occurred the day after we arrived!

But here we are! Grateful, blessed and truly awed at how God made a way for us in the midst of the storm. Looking forward to seeing what he's going to do here...

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